How to overcome stress!
Firstly, what is stress? - Stress is often the outcome of pressure building within. There are different degrees of stress, such as mental causes being from finances or work demands, they can be emotional causes such as being bullied or having self-doubt, they can also be physical such as sickness or lack of proper nutrition all of these things lead to stress in some way. This emotional pressure we feel at a daily level will continue to build up and can eventually cause physical symptoms such as stomach pain, irritability, despair and an overall state of sadness or anger.
Stress is created by a person's inability to deal with the normal pressures of life, but what exactly is a normal amount of pressure in life? Everyone's situation is different When actually stress is the result of a person having to deal with more responsibilities than usual. To relieve stress the most effective way is to change the circumstances leading to stress. It can be as simple as "You need to do something to alleviate your symptoms of stress."
The best thing you can do is to 1st become aware of what is causing you stress and 2nd take your problem head on and directly attempt to change that which is causing stress. Stress is NOT supposed to be a daily occurrence and over time we become more and more burnt out. We must relax the body and mind and find time to unwind and let go of all that pressure.